The internet is very helpful, all you need is 1/2 cup baking powder and 1/2 cup white vinegar. And food coloring...just kidding, that's for making volcanoes! Follow that lovely paste with a kettle of boiling water. YUM!
Step 1/2/3: Put the baking soda in the drain, mash it in with your fingers. Pour the vinegar down the drain. Close the drain. Open it up a few minutes later and pour in some HOT WATER
Rinse and repeat (in the other drain)
Sean loves to help!
Me: "Sean do you know how to unclog a drain?"
Sean: "What?"
After following these steps, the drain still didn't seem to be working any better. I decided to try to use the end of a spoon to investigate the issue.
So. Much. Fucking. Hair.
In case you were wondering, both the drains are working much better now. I'd give this home remedy 5 stars out of 5 stars. Three stars awarded purely on the basis that it seems like putting baking soda and vinegar down the drain would make the sink blow up.
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