Feb 2, 2011

From a box! Make it yourself!

I love sausage in a very appropriate and healthy way. I made the mistake of going to the grocery store hungry, tired, and downtrodden which lead to some great purchases like... paper towels, milk, cocoa krispies and... Sausage! This recipe uses ALL OF THESE ITEMS.

Just kidding.

1 Box Rice a Roni (the san francisco treat)... I used 'Red Rice and Beans' which was pretty tasty
3 or 4 sausage links (Hot Italian)
Some beans? Onion? vegetables?

Warning: This recipe involves multi-tasking, you're swimming in the olympic size swimming pool now.

STEP 1: Fill a pot with however much water the box tells you (2 cups if I remember correctly). Add rice, "seasoning packet" and a few TBS of butter (that's how you know it's good). Bring this to a boil WHILE you cut the sausage into smaller pieces than it is in when you buy it.
STEP 2: In a frying pan or whatever start cookin' the meat... After the rice boils, simmer that shit.
Count the tasks!//Multi-tasking, the American way

 Step 3: Watch someone you love eat some food:
Mary Contemplating the Quesadilla's Birth

Remind them several times that IF THEY ONLY ATE MEAT they could be having some of the banging food you are making.

STEP 4: The rice cooks for a looong time, get the sausage to an almost done point. With ten minutes left on the clock, throw the sausage and some black beans into the pot. Stir it around...

You're done! That's it! Put some in a bowl, garnish with some shredded cheese and put some chips in there because we're gonna pretend this is chili!

This tasted awesome. Surprisingly so.

1 comment:

  1. WhO is tat gurl?
    She seems cool but stupid
    I'm obsessed with .... you,
